If I Could Change One Thing...
We Lived. They Died.
The Vietnamese Giant Centipede!
© 2003
by: Jim
483d Security Police Squadron
Cam Ranh Bay

I was reading the Restricted Area section
and something clicked in my memory: I haven't thought about this in thirty

One night at Cam Ranh Bay in 1970 I was assigned
bunker guard duty on the night shift, Phantom flight, I was pulling
one of the sandbagged bunkers by the sea with the jungle right behind,
it was a M-60 position, and sometime during the night I noticed these
little feelers, like the kind on those big cockroaches, sticking
up out of the feed tray on the M60, I thought ... how did a roach
get in the gun?
So I started to field strip the M60 and clean
it out and as I took the butt plate off and laid it to the side I saw
the biggest centipede in the world uncurl from inside the gun and start
to crawl very rapidly toward me!
I jumped out of that bunker like a kangaroo
and lost sight of the creature scurrying among the sandbags. I had heard
these giant centipedes were poisonous, so I quickly gathered up the
M60 parts, put it back together, and spent the rest of the night about
twenty feet away from the bunker.
In the morning I humped to the pick up point
and didn't think much of the centipede afterward ... I guess I was just
too tired.
The next night a friend of mine, Wheeler,
was assigned that post, I didn't get to see him before he got posted
and the next morning I heard that he had leaned up against the sandbags
and was bitten in the back by some venomous critter. They said Wheeler's
back swelled up like the Hunchback of Nortre Dame.
I wish I would have or could have told him
that there might be a centipede in the bunker, he got medevacd to Japan
and to this day I don't know what happened to him.
I hope he made it home okay ... and ... I'm
sorry Wheeler.
Jim Randall
483rd SPS
Cam Ranh Bay 1970

The centipede, Scolopendra giganteus subspinipes.
That's the scientific name for the Vietnamese Giant Centipede, or leach
Courtesy: Iron Horse Maine: https://home.earthlink./~reynoldslg/rats.html
Someone else caught a centipede about a foot
long. So we put that in the ammo can to just to see what would happen.
Nothing, each one backed up into a neutral corner and just stayed there.
We got bored after about an hour or so and left them alone. Came back
a few hours later to look and the centipede was gone and the scorpion
was dead. Our maintaince people put it in a big jar of alcohol and had
it on display.