

DiDi Vietnam!
(Calendars, Certificates, & Postings!)

The purpose of this area is to allow the display of the varied DEROS & FIGMO calendars
and postings we used to track our remaining days in Vietnam or Thailand ....

We Lived. They Died.

DEROS - Date of Expected Return from Over Seas
FIGMO - (Your best guess is...?)

SHORT, SHORT-TIME, SHORT-TIMER: individual with little time remaining in Vietnam.

From the heart... FIGMO Calendar: 99 Days & a Wake Up, Đà Nẵng 1966, by Don Poss
From the heart... FIGMO-30 Days and a Wake Up! 1967, by LTC Hank Brandli, USAF, LTC (Ret)
From the heart... FIGMO: Pat's Souvenirs! Udorn RTAFB, Thailand
From the heart... FIGMO Calendar: 99 Days!, Nha Trang 1969, by George Thompson
From the heart... FIGMO Calendar: 100 Days To Go!
From the heart... FIGMO Calendar: Chu Lai, 100 Days Short!
From the heart... DEROS Calendar: 100 Days Short!
NKP, 1970-1971, by Wilfred Wright
From the heart... DEROS Certificate, Đông Hà Airfield: Waterboy, 1969, by Melvin Hecker
From the heart... DEROS Calendar: Cam Ranh Bay, 1969-70, by James C Kornik
From the heart... DEROS Calendar: I Wanna Go To!
From the heart... DEROS Calendar: Commercial version-01
From the heart... DEROS Calendar: 52 Cards & a Wake Up, 1971, by James Randall
From the heart... DEROS Calendar: Pink Lady!
From the heart... DEROS 65 Days, Short-Timer's Letter! 1971, by Tom Aumack