Đà Nẵng AB, 366th TFW: Bomb Dump Explosions Photos and Air Base Rocket Damage. April 27-1969.
Cam Ranh Bay AB: 6th Convalescent Hospital Sapper Attack. August 1969.
© 2014 by: Peter Halferty
1881st Comm Sq
Cam Ranh Bay, SVN 1969-1970-1971

I am Peter T. Halferty. I was stationed with the 1972nd Comm Sq. Đà Nẵng. I lived in gunfighter Village. I was an Airmen in the Air Force. I came to Đà Nẵng AB on April Fool's Day, April 1, 1968, then left for Cam Ranh Bay in Sept 1969. Stayed at CRB until June 1971. So I was in-country 1969-1970-1971. Most photos were taken with an Kodak Instamatic camera. Wow ! What a Day!
 ![1. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: From the flightline, the grassfire is out of control and bombs are cooking off west of the runway's 4K marker. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-01a-peter-halferty-the-big-one-44.jpg)
1. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: From the flight line, the grass fire is out of control and bombs
are cooking off west of the runway's 4K marker. This is my photo of the Big Bang, the Big One, and
Good Mourning Vietnam, as I named it in 1969.April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
![2. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: I left my position on airfield and went to the end of runway and crossed over to the other side near the ASP. I was not a full sand wedge from the whole enchallida. So it blew napalm. Note background: Hill 357. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-02-peter-halferty-the-big-one-082-084.jpg)
2. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: I left my position on airfield and went to the end of runway and crossed over
to the other side near the ASP. I was not a full sand wedge from the whole enchilada. So it blew
napalm. Picked me up and threw me down the road. Note background: Hill 327. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
3. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: flight line view. Aircraft were quickly towed or taxied north and south
or under
revetments. Note the giant smoke-ring roiled perfectly to the heavens. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
4. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: flight line view. Debris, shrapnel, and smoldering
earth-clod-stained down across the air base. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![5. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Bomb Dump Explosions sent ringlets of shockwaves through the clouds and across the airbase. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-03-peter-halferty-090-042.jpg)
5. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Bomb Dump Explosions sent ringlets of shockwaves
through the clouds and across the air base. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
6. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Just when I thought I had seen the worst, it was suddenly like
Hiroshima with incredible mushroom clouds and fireballs.
April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![7. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: The picture is me on the ground looking straight up at what is now the huge power ball. That is actual shrapnel in the photo, which rained down across the runways and flightline! So after this almost direct hit on me I decide to get the F-outta dodge. You can see people, an ambulance, and a sign in rear over the SP post, and people hiting the ground, so they were under it. April 27-1969. [Photographer, unknown].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-07-peter-halferty-same-as.jpg)
7. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: The picture is me on the ground looking straight up at what is now the huge power ball. That is actual shrapnel in the photo, which rained down across the runways and flight line! So after this almost direct hit on me I decide to get the F-outta dodge. You can see people, an ambulance, and a sign in rear over the SP post, and people hitting the ground, so they were under it. April 27-1969. [Photographer, unknown].
8. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: C-123 getting out of Rocket City.
April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![9. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: From the bottow of the black column of smoke, you can see a rocket of something that cooked off blasting away like a roman-candle! April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-08-peter-halferty-085.jpg)
9. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: From the bottom of the black column of smoke, you can see a rocket or
something that cooked off blasting away like a roman-candle!
April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
![10. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Don't look below yet because this is part of the next photo. The point is to help you see the size and scale of the explosions. Note the perimeter security towers, which were about 30-40 feet tall (a little taller than the telephone poles with floodlights. April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. Now you can look at the next photo -- and check out the same towers at the base of the explosion!](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-09-peter-halferty-049.jpg)
10. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Don't look below yet because this is part of the next photo. The point is
to help you see the size and scale of the explosions. Note the perimeter security towers (above), which were about
30-40 feet tall (a little taller than the telephone poles with floodlights.
April 27-1969. [Peter Halferty photo]
Now you can look at the next photo -- and check out the same-scale towers at the base of the explosion!
![11. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Bomb Dump ASP-1 Explosions. Many Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, ROK soldiers and many civilians lost part or most of their hearing that day. This is not my photo. It was at an LZ just at the end of base
somewhere -- but I remember these colors! Like all those thousands of 50 gallon-drums of Agent Orange that went up as well. The ASP # 1 exploded like this for two days straight. $ Cost 100 mill. Camp Hoover leveled. Camp Monahan heavyly damages. Camp Briggs slight damage. Dog Patch completely destroyed. Hill 10, Hill 55, Hill 34, Hill 37,
Hill 327 destroyed. 38 tons of spent ammo . [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-10-peter-halferty-049.jpg)
11. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Bomb Dump ASP-1 Explosions. Many Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, ROK soldiers and
many civilians lost part or most of their hearing that day. This is not my photo. It was at an LZ just at the end of base
somewhere -- but I remember these colors! Like all those thousands of 50 gallon-drums of Agent Orange that went up as well.
The ASP # 1 exploded like this for two days straight. $ Cost 100 mill. Camp Hoover leveled. ASP-1 Camp Monahan heavily damages. Camp Briggs slight damage. Dog Patch was heavily damaged, as were Hill 10, Hill 55, Hill 34, Hill 37, and Hill 327. 38,000 tons of ammo was destroyed. [Peter Halferty photo].
![12. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Bomb Dump ASP-1 Explosions. Vietnamese civilians near panic, uncertain if the airbase was under attack. Note the foreground trees nearly baren of tree leaves -- Agent Orange effect anyone! April 27, 1968. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-bomb-dump-21-peter-halferty-apr-27-1968-ronda-dogpatch.jpg)
12. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Bomb Dump ASP-1 Explosions. Vietnamese civilians near panic, uncertain if the air base was under attack.
Note the foreground trees nearly barren of tree leaves -- Agent Orange effect anyone! April 27, 1968. [Peter Halferty photo].
My son Shawn Michael. Halferty and many friends love these stories and photos of Vietnam. My friend from hometown Dave Donato was with the 1st Mar Div, 7th Truck, and then FLC at Camp Books when the ASP blew. Camp Books was in the Red Beach area. Some damage to his Camp but the majority was done to Camp Hoover and Camp Monahan. They as well as Dogpatch village, Freedom Hill, Hill 327, and the ROK Compound were demolished. 100% destroyed. Another home town friend , Ron Hanson was with the 1st Mar Div, 1st Tank. He arrived in country 3 days later and went to Hill 34 and then on to Hill 37. He says that the ASP was still detonating some ammo and the place was still smoldering quit a bit for a few days while he was there.. Welcome to Đà Nẵng !!! My other friends, Skip Cough, Shawn Cramer, Dave Derosia, Barb Cough, and other friends from Colesante’s, Artie’s and B.J.’s Bar & Grill in My home town (Watertown, New York) loved reading and commenting on these great photos and writings that I have saved over the last 45 years. We sometimes chat about events that occurred at or near Đà Nẵng in 69. There names here will gives persons looking for these soldiers some hits. They are alive and well in Snowtown, USA, Watertown, New York 13601. My best to all of them. Wow ! The summer of “65”. I hope all enjoy them and share these items with many generations to come. They are now in a safe place. They will be preserved. Forever! By War-Stories.com and when they are finished with them they will go to the United States Air Force Museum at Lackland, AFB, Texas.
![13. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Flightline cleanup. April 29-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-11-flightline-hangers-peter-halferty-69.jpg)
13 Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: flight line cleanup.
April 29-1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
![14. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Rocket crater at Gunfighter Village and outside my barracks back door. Unrelated to the bomb dump explosions. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-12-rocket-crater-peter-halferty.jpg)
14. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Rocket crater at Gunfighter Village and outside my barracks back door.
Unrelated to the bomb dump explosions.. [Peter Halferty photo].
![15. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Rocket Attack! Clean up and repairs. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-13-rocket-attack-peter-halferty.jpg)
15. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Rocket Attack! Cleaning up and repairs at Gunfighter Village.
Four died there. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
16. Cam Ranh Bay AB: US Army 6th Convalescent Hospital damaged by Rocket Attack! 1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![17. Cam Ranh Bay AB: US Army 6th Convalescent Hospital debris by Sapper Attack! 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
Photos 17, 18, and 19: This is the 6th Convalescent hospital at Cam Ranh Bay AB, SVN. In August 1969 sappers attacked the US Army hospital compound. First reports were 98 dead and 2 wounded. Later changed to 2 dead and 57 wounded. I worked all night and heard all the sirens and blast and went to the hosiptal in the morning when I got off work. The entire hospital was mostly wiped out. Quonset huts were destroyed.](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-halferty-peter-barracks-rocket-attack-2-6th.jpg)
17. Cam Ranh Bay AB: US Army 6th Convalescent Hospital debris by Sapper Attack! 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
Photos 17, 18, and 19: This is the 6th Convalescent hospital at Cam Ranh Bay AB, SVN. In August 1969 sappers attacked the US Army hospital compound. First reports were 98 dead and 2 wounded. Later changed to 2 dead and 57 wounded. I worked all night and heard all the sirens and blast and went to the hospital in the morning when I got off work. The entire hospital was mostly wiped out. Quonset huts were destroyed.
18. Cam Ranh Bay AB: US Army 6th Convalescent Hospital and chapel damage by Sapper Attack! 1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
19. Cam Ranh Bay AB: US Army 6th Convalescent Hospital damage by Sapper Attack! 1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![20. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Monkey Mountain's Boom-Boom Rock. Units that climbed to the top repainted the rock. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-14-boom-boom-rock-peter-halferty-099.jpg)
20. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Monkey Mountain's Boom-Boom Rock.
Units that climbed to the top repainted the rock. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
![21. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Views from Monkey Mountain and Boom-Boom Rock. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-15-boom-boom-rock-peter-halferty.jpg)
21. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Views from Monkey Mountain and Boom-Boom Rock. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
22. Cam Ranh Bay AB: I left Cam Ranh Bay in June 30th 1971. On August 28, 1971 the ammo dump went up in CRB. So I did
some research for my old unit and made the attached CRB ammo dump explosions sheet for them. 1971. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![23. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Stars and Stripes article: The Trouble U.S. Army in Vietnam. Newsweek, Jan 11, 1971. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-16-news-article-peter-halferty-100.jpg)
23. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Stars and Stripes article: The Troubled U.S. Army in Vietnam.
Newsweek, Jan 11, 1971. [Peter Halferty photo].
Anyone remember this infamous Lt. The flower child trained to kill. No three challenges. Just don’t shoot. Make love. Not war. Flower in my hair....
![24. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: 1881st Communications Squadron. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-17-peter-halferty-sixpack.jpg)
24. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: 1881st Communications Squadron. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].
![25. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Peace icons. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-18-pete-halferty-peace.jpg)
25. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Peace icons. 1969. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![26. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: A beautiful front cover of the April 1969 Stars and Stripes.. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-19-viet69.jpg)
27. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: A beautiful front cover of the April 1969 Stars and Stripes.. [Peter Halferty photo]. |
![28. Da Nang AB: 366th TFW: Welcome Home to Vietnam Veterans. [Peter Halferty photo].](https://www.war-stories.com/images/dn-366th-tfw-20-peter-halferty-welcome-home-sample.jpg)
28. Đà Nẵng AB: 366th TFW: Welcome Home to Vietnam Veterans. [Peter Halferty photo]. |