Going to see Chris
by: Jack
Commander, B co 1/77th Armored Bn
5th Inf. Div. - 1971
I arrived in Vietnam at the ripe old age of
twenty two. I served as a Tank Commander with M co 11th Armored Cav.
Regiment for nine months (photo right) and then with the all volunteer
unit of the Air Cav Troop 11th ACR known as the ARPS (Air Rifle
Platoon: next photo) for another nine months. My second tour, 1971,
was with B Co 1/77th Armored Bn 5th Inf. Div. I served as a Tank
Commander and that's when I first met Chris, my driver, and Jim, my
We were on B22 and our call sign was Double
Duece, I received many medals from Vietnam but the best award was
the comradeship developed between men. I retired from the Army in 1985
as a Chief Warrant Officer 2, Jack C. Stoddard (USA RET).
I knew Chris for almost a year, he was the driver of my tank. He got to
Vietnam when he was 19 and we had a party when he turned 20. We had a
lot of real good times, together along with a few bad ones. His main
running buddy was Jim, our gunner. They were always doing things
together. Chris was young and quiet, and Jim was the older teacher, but
they were both drafted and shared that common bond. I can remember Chris
always going to church services as often as he could. Even while we were
in the field. There might have been only two soldiers at the services
I had managed to take good care of my
guys for the whole year that I was their tank commander. Chris had
extended for 6 months in Vietnam so when he got home he would have no
duties to perform with the National Guard. It was a new program and a
lot of guys were doing it. It meant that he would go home 4 months after
While I was in base camp starting to
out-process, Jim was out of country on R & R, our platoon was sent
on a support mission. Chris was driving the ole Double Deuce (B22),
Stick was the loader and a new 2nd LT was acting as tank commander. They
were working a sweep of a large cleared-area between Xuan Loc and the
DMZ. I was told they ran into a platoon of NVA soldiers and the ACAV's
had them pinned down in a valley while the tanks blocked the exits so
they couldn't get away. The ACAV's started taking heavy fire so they
backed out a little and called for the cobra gun ships.
There were Three cobras and two loch's
firing up the area of suspected NVA. One of the cobra's for no apparent
reason went in for his run going west to east instead of north
to south like the others did. He fired two rockets. One hit to the
right front of B22 and the other landed on the turret between the main
gun and the driver's compartment. Chris, who was in the driver's
compartment, was killed instantly. The LT. who was on the front fender
of the tank talking to our medic on the ground was wounded very badly
and the medic got hit in his arm. He later lost it. This whole thing
took 10 seconds. I later learned the pilot of the cobra was under
For me this was the worst day of my life.
I had lost a very special friend. I still feel that if I had been there
it wouldn't have happened. That afternoon I went to the motor pool and
cleaned all the blood off my tank. I wouldn't let anybody help, it was
my job. Two days later I had to tell Jim. We sat in the corner of our
hooch and cried together about the loss of our friend. I then wrote a
letter to Chris' parents and promised myself if I ever had another son I
would name him Chris.
Many years later, in 1990, my
wife Sue and I had a very special son. We named him Christopher, just as
I had promised myself many years before. Christopher was born with
Cerebral Palsy and when he was three weeks old while laying in front of
me while watching TV he stopped breathing! An image of Chris appeared
next to the TV and he was pointing down towards my son. I looked at
Christopher and he was turning blue. I immediately started CPR until his
color returned. In that split second I knew Christopher had a guardian
angel. Chris, my old friend, had alerted me and saved my son's life.
Chris may be gone but he will never be forgotten. I'm not afraid of
death because I know that only means the tank crew of the old double
deuce will be back on the road once again!
It's 3:00 a.m., Friday July 3,
1998. I just opened the garage door and as I'm on my way back into the
house to get my coffee I can hear the deep mellow sound of the dual
exhaust on my classic baby "Sweet-thing," (a 1960 Chevy El
Camino) echoing off the garage walls. I'm on my way to visit the burial
site of my good friend Chris Cordova. After many hours of research and
with the help of my wife Sue we were able to find out where Chris' home
town was, and with Sues magic fingers on the keyboard of the computer we
even had a phone number for Robert Cordova who turned out to be the
younger brother of Chris! After talking with Robert and finding out
exactly where Mosquero, New Mexico was I decided that I'd like to go and
make sure Chris had a nice plot and headstone. Plus I wanted to once and
for all close some doors so that I could open some new ones. So with
coffee in hand I pulled out into the street watching the garage door
close behind me. In seven hundred miles and fourteen hours I'll finally
be with my friend of over twenty eight years ago.
I left Las Vegas and soon was going over
Hoover Dam. Being so early in the morning the traffic was light and
before long I was climbing the canyon wall heading for Kingman, AZ. The
trip was nice as it stayed cool all the way to Flagstaff before I had to
roll down the windows to pick up a breeze. I love driving across I-40
because being an old car buff I really enjoy driving 70 mph and looking
in everybody's back yards along the way seeing what kind of old cars
they have parked there. Especially around Gallup! On this trip I didn't
hear the normal, "Stop looking around and keep your eyes on the
road," my wife would constantly be telling me. This trip I was on
my own. This was my quest, something I have wanted to do for a long
Around 3:00 p.m., I pulled into Tucumari,
NM and started on RT-54 toward Logan, NM. It was nice to get off the
interstate and travel on the back roads again. The weather was great!
Hot but still very nice with white clouds cutting off the heat of the
sun every so often. Once I arrived in Logan I followed the old main
street through the city. You could see that at one time it must have
been a busy place but now a lot of the stores were closed. Just as it
must be in a lot of small towns in this country. As I kept going North
the road seemed to be getting smaller and smaller until I finally turned
onto to RT-39 heading for my final destination of Mosquero. Now the road
was a narrow two lane highway that seemed to be darting out into
nowhere. There was nothing but green rolling hills all around with only
a few ranch houses scattered about to interrupt this gorgeous land.
I was starting to get really nervous. I
kept thinking about all the things I have wanted to say to Chris. And I
was nervous about meeting the Cordova family! Did they want to meet me?
Have they put everything in the past or would they want me to tell them
everything I remembered from 28 years ago? I guess I really didn't know
what to expect.
After going about 20 miles I was approaching the base of this beautiful
mesa. I was sure I would drop off toward the right side and go into a
valley where Mosquero would be found, but instead as I reached a fork in
the road I started to climb right up the side! It was very steep and I
was just hoping my old car would make it up through these steep sharp
curves. As I slowly maneuvered my way through this wonderful mesa I came
upon a huge wall of rock and saw it was covered from top to bottom with
names and dates. I wondered if Chris had maybe put his name there when
he was a boy. As I finally reached the top there was nothing but green
rolling hills with Juniper trees scattered about as far as you could
see. It was nothing like I had expected the top of a mesa to look like.
I thought it would be flat and rocky. I was hoping there would be a gas
station in Mosquero as I was down to a 1/4 of a tank and still had to
travel the 30 miles back to Logan later in the day.
I soon was approaching the very small
town of Mosquero and I mean very small. With luck I saw a single old gas
pump on the right side of town with a big sign saying "open"
leaning against it. As I pulled toward the old gas pump I couldn't help
but think why would anybody want to live in this little spot in the road
place? I stopped my car and as I was getting out an older man approached
and asked how I was doing. I returned the greeting and as he was
removing the front cover on the pump so he could reset the meter by hand
(the old pump had broken 3 years earlier) I asked him if he could answer
two questions for me. One was where was the cemetery located? and the
second was where did Robert Cordova live?
He replied with, "Oh sure that's
easy." Then he said he'd just call Chris Cordova (that was Robert's
son who had been named after my friend) he was the town marshal and was
always around. As the man was filling my car with gas I was looking over
the town. I could see a volunteer fire dept. building with a closed sign
in the window and next to it was a small market with an even smaller bar
attached to the side of it. That my friends was downtown Mosquero, NM,
except for the post office I saw later.
A few minutes later a pick up truck
pulled up and a young Mexican man walked up to me. I assumed it was
Chris as I put my hand out and said, "Hi, I'm Jack ... you must
be Chris." He said, "Yes, and I would be happy to take you to
the cemetery as soon as you get your gas, sir." Formal. Reserved.
Like I felt. In a few minutes I was following him down the road to where
my friend rested. We only went a short way when we turned off onto a
gravel road and soon my car was getting covered in a great cloud of
white dust. I remember being upset about that and then feeling ashamed
at such a time because I was about to see Chris and worrying about a
little dust was really stupid! Within five minutes we had pulled in the
grave yard. It was on about a 1/4 acre plot of land with a small fence
around the outside of it. I guess there were about 30 grave sites in
I was feeling really nervous now. I had
so many things I wanted to tell Chris. As we approached the first grave
I could see it was Chris' father's grave, as it read PFC Jose Cordova,
died in Germany ww11. As a lump was forming in my throat I was all of a
sudden thinking to myself that Chris' dad was here and was taking good
care of him and that Chris would be all right. Then came the real hard
part. I walked up to Chris' grave site.
There was a small stone just like his dad's. It had his name, rank,
where and when he had died on it. There was a small patriotic flag made
of flowers in front of it. They had long since died but you could tell
Chris was being thought of and not forgotten. His nephew put his hand
down and moved the wreath so I could see the complete head stone.
As I knelt down something very strange
happened to me. It was as if I somehow knew Chris had heard all my
thoughts I had about him during the last 28 years and I didn't have to
tell him anything at all because he already knew.
With tears in my eyes
all I could say was, "It's good to see you buddy," as I patted
the top of his headstone. I just sat there patting the headstone for maybe five minutes, as Chris'
nephew backed away to give me some privacy. Finally, I said one more
time, "It's good to see you Chris," and I stood up and walked
a few steps backward just looking at the grave.
I really felt a sense of peace as I
finally turned and walked back toward my car wiping tears from my eyes.
I didn't want to break down and cry as I knew I still had to meet the
rest of his family in a few minutes. The tears would come later as I was
driving out of Mosquero.
Soon we were pulling into the front yard
of Robert's house. It was a large wooden house with new and old cars
scattered through out the yard. Robert walked into the yard to meet us.
For just a moment I thought it was Chris they looked so much alike. We
shook hands and I could tell this was as awkward for him as it was for
me. He introduced me to his sister, his wife Francis and their older son
Floyd. I was then invited into their house and was offered a beer that I
gladly took. I am not really a beer drinker but I really needed it now!
We all sat around in the living room making small talk as I was trying
to figure out how to give them a copy of the story I had written about
Chris. I decided to just pull it out of my pocket and hand it to them so
that's what I did.
I gave it to Robert and watched as he
took the two page story from the white envelope. I was so scared at that
moment. I took another large gulp of beer while wondering if they would
like my story or not. How would they act? Did I do the right thing? I
just waited. The story was passed from one person to the next with only
a few nods of their heads being any sign at all of what they read. I
could see Robert's eyes had gotten a little red but other than that not
a word was spoken! I was offered another beer and after a few minutes of
prodding I accepted a plate of home made enchiladas. While all of us sat
around the kitchen table, and I ate, Chris' (Robert's son) wife entered
the kitchen doorway and said, "That was a really nice story you
wrote about Chris. We all liked it very much." That was all that
was ever said about that. But it did make me feel much better and a
little more at ease. After I had eaten a few more bites of dinner out
came the photo albums!
There must have been a hundred pictures
of various sizes already in the living room with a separate special area
for each one of the sons and cousins who had served in the military.
Chris had his spot with his medals hanging next to his basic training
picture and next to him was Robert's son Floyd. Floyd had served in the
Persian Gulf but was now on disability from a back injury.
After the two beers things started to get
better. All the stories of Chris and Robert, who was two years younger,
started pouring out in this small room atop of this beautiful mesa in
New Mexico. Robert told me a doctor who had lost his son in Vietnam had
built a memorial and chapel in the little town called Angel Fire, MN. It
was 80 miles north west of Mosquero. All the boys from the surrounding
four counties who had died in Vietnam have their pictures and some
personal effects placed in the memorial building.
Chris' picture along with his dog tags
are there. Every week a different picture was placed in the chapel and
that soldier's family was notified. Robert called that place, "Holy
ground." A lot of the conversation was about how the two boys grew
up and how their Uncle Joe had taught then to hunt, fish, and swim in
the local swimming hole. Soon with a third beer in our hands, Robert,
Floyd and myself were heading out the door and on our way cruzin', as
Robert put it. My feelings of being a stranger was now fading as I
realized I was being accepted as a friend.
There couldn't have been more than 30
houses in this small town. Many of them were boarded up as the people
who had once lived there were now long gone. When Chris had been a boy
here there were probably 300 people living in town, but now there are
only around 100. Most of the small ranches had been bought out by three
large ranches in the area. Francis still worked at the Bell Ranch but
Robert now worked at a small chemical plant 30 miles away. As we left
the house we went a half block away and saw the small white buildings
that were the elementary and high school. Robert told me a picture
honoring Chris was in the main hallway of the high school. We then drove
by the church and the little hospital, that was closed over 10 years
ago. It was now the school superintendent's house.
Every time we drove past a house
everybody would wave and I would wave back. I could imagine what they
must have thought at the site of this strange gringo riding around in
Robert's green pickup truck! Everybody knew everyone else in this town.
It was like one huge family. You just couldn't help but fall in love
with Mosquero, New Mexico!
Robert drove us down the Bell Ranch road
about 40 miles. As we drank beers more stories came out about Chris'
funeral and how Robert was on his senior class field trip to the Lake of
the Ozarks when he was notified of Chris' death. The class (all five of
them) cut the trip short and returned early. He said the whole town of
300 turned out as well as the Honor Guard from the Air Force National
Guard in Clovis, NM.
Bob told me about the wild elks in the
area and how many he shot each year. Floyd pointed out the local sights
like the two Indian caves and when we got to the end of the Mesa they
pointed to an area across the valley where dinosaur foot prints were. We
had a really nice talk as we returned home and I felt I now knew more
about Chris than I had known the whole year I had lived with him.
Robert wanted me to stay the night and
kept asking me over and over again, but I didn't feel right about
staying. I didn't want to ruin their 4th of July holiday. But deep
inside I really liked these new found friends and could have stayed
longer. But I knew I had to get home to my own family.
I had finally closed my door with Chris,
but I also knew I could open it again and be welcomed not only by him
but by his family and friends as well. I left at dark and as I was
driving out of town the impact of what had happened hit me again. I had
to wipe the tears away as I climbed back off the mesa and headed for the
busy world below. I couldn't help but think of the past and how my wife
had told me go ahead and write a book of how I felt about the way
Vietnam really was. How it was about good men just doing a job as best
they could. Not killers or heroes, but boys just like Chris. And of how
when I said I wanted and needed to go see Chris she said, "Go do it
... we'll get the money somehow. Just go and do what you have to
do!" She's not only a good wife but she understands me sometimes
more than I understand myself.
Thank you Sue for helping me
find peace with my old friend. Perhaps, Chris, my friend, you have found
a peace too.
Jack, Chris, Billy,
and Sue
SP4 - Army - Selective Service
5th Infantry Division Mechanized
20 year old Single, Caucasian, Male
Born on 09/12/50
Tour of duty began on 06/12/70
Casualty was on 05/11/71
Body was recovered
Panel 03W-Line 31