From: General Thomas L "Egor" Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 10:52 PM
Subject: War-Stories:How-to-submit-stories-and-photos
Attachments: Assault on the American Embassy - TET 1968.pdf
Dear Sir,
I would like to let you have this historical manuscript. It is the history of the Battle of the American Embassy, TET 1968. I had it published by the MP Corps 23 years ago, but have the rights to it, and I have now updated it to make it easier to understand a very complicated battle. Hope you will consider it, it is 88 pages long.
Thomas L. Johnson
Gen. Thomas L. "Egor" Johnson
(Chief of Police - Retired)
From: General Thomas L "Egor" Johnson
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 7:45 AM
To: 'War Stories'
Subject: RE: War-Stories:How-to-submit-stories-and-photos
Dear Don,
Would be very interested in your opinion of this account. As an Air Policeman you have a perspective that will let me know if the story can be followed easily.