My worst experience came on the evening of
March 22, 1968. It had been rumored for weeks that the NVA would
launch a ground assault against the base to coincide with the anniversary
of the March 1954 assault on the French stronghold at Dien Bien Phu. At
about 2100 hours the NVA began an intense artillery, rocket and mortar
barrage. The concentration of incoming artillery and mortar rounds was the
heaviest I had ever experienced, and we feared that the NVA would launch a
ground assault under the cover of this barrage.

The Marines were slow to dig in, but trenches gradually connected firing
positions and offered protection from NVA snipers, mortars, rockets and
The sergeant and I were pinned down in our bunker by incoming rounds. For
a short time we maintained landline communications with our gun positions,
but the landline was broken shortly thereafter. The barrage continued, and
I decided to try to make a dash for the trenchline about 25 meters in
front of us to check out the gun positions. I crouched in the doorway of
the bunker, frozen in fear as the rounds exploded all around us. It seemed
like an eternity as I waited for a lull in order to make my move.
Finally I couldn't wait any longer and took off for the Quad 50
position with the sergeant right at my heels. When we got to the bunker,
we found the crew huddled inside unable to make contact by landline or
radio with the other gun positions. It was critical that we coordinate our
fire missions in the event of a ground assault on our sector of the
perimeter. After alerting the crew of the Quad 50 to standby to man their
guns, I decided to send the sergeant to the nearby Duster position with
similar orders. I then began to make my way along the trenchline in the
opposite direction to the distant Duster and Quad 50 positions at the
other end of the runway.
I got no more than a few meters when a rocket crashed into the Charlie
Company, 1/26 Marines, command post bunker about 50 meters in front of me.
I raced to the bunker where I found several Marines frantically digging in
the burning debris to pull out their comrades trapped inside. They had
retrieved a few men, but several others were buried inside the collapsed
We called for a corpsmen to treat the survivors who were badly burned
and wounded, but none heard us amidst the incoming and the confusion.
Without medical intervention these men would certainly die, so I made the
decision to run across the runway to retrieve medical help from
"Charlie Med." I climbed out of the trenchline and ran for the
runway. In the darkness I tripped and fell several times as rounds shook
the ground around me. I finally made it to the runway and across in the
direction of "Charlie Med". As I got closer I screamed for a
corpsmen, and a young Navy corpsmen ran toward me from his bunker. He and
another Marine followed me back across the runway to the burning bunker
where they began administering aid to the wounded.
Leaving the demolished bunker, I made my way down the trenchline to the
Quad 50 and Duster positions, where I found my squad leader, Sergeant
Manuel Floyd Martinez, and both crews safe and ready to man their guns. We
traced the landline back to a break in the wire that we quickly repaired
so we could regain communications with all of our other gun positions.
Shortly after midnight and some 1,109 rounds after the NVA barrage had
begun, it was over. This would be recorded as the second heaviest
saturation of enemy rounds in a single day during the siege, and the
heaviest for the month of March. It took a very heavy toll on Charlie
Company, 1/26 Marines, with whom my men and I lived and shared the defense
of our sector. I later found out that five Marines died in the command
post bunker that night, including Captain Walter J. Egger, Gunnery
Sergeant John J. Grohman, First Lieutenant Paul W. Bush, Lance Corporal
Stephen C. Shannon, and Private First Class Bennie J. Sisson.

Our truck-mounted Quad 50 crewmen check out an
engine block that was zapped by a near direct hit by an NVA rocket.
I had come to know and admire Captain Egger. He
had only been in country one month, having arrived at Khe Sanh about the
same time as myself. Although I was thankful that my men and I survived
that night with no casualties, it would surely impact some of our lives
for many years to come. I am very proud of the Bronze Star with
"V" Device that I received for my actions that night, but I did
no more than anyone I knew would have done under the same circumstances.
The heavy fighting continued for another week or so, but by the last week
in March the incoming wound down considerably.