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Old Dawgs and Pups program
Mission Statement for the “Old Dawgs and Pups” program
“Old Dawgs and Pups” was created by a group of Vietnam War Veteran military K-9 working dog handlers in 2005. Its purpose is to support the morale and provide equipment needs of today’s military dog handlers in lonely, inhospitable places around the world.
The Old Dawgs & Pups program arranges “adoptions” of dog handlers in war zones by veterans and “Friends of K-9” for what used to be called “pen-pal” relationships. We exchange personal news, old war stories, photos and conversation with active-duty troops through the modern convenience of email. We also send some of the little comforts of home that they’re not able to get while they’re deployed to remote areas. We send K-9 equipment specific to individual dog’s unique needs, trinkets, snacks, clothing, Arby’s Sauce packets, paperback books … you name it. It’s mostly the thought that counts.
We also obtain and ship handlers items they need for their work and their dogs. Our major corporate sponsor is the Leatherman Tool Group, of Portland, Ore., which has donated thousands of dollars worth of tools, knives and flashlights, and made it possible for us to purchase more at discounted prices. As of November 2009, through the generous donations of individuals, Leatherman, and a company called Helping Udders we’ve sent dog teams all over the world more than 1,000 items of equipment worth over $42,000.
Old Dawgs and Pups is currently supporting Military Working dogs and K-9 troops in the nations of Iraq, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates (UAE), South Korea, and other nations,
at the following Forward Observation Bases, Camps, Airfields and Air Bases, and Joint Bases: FOB Delta, Iraq; FOB Falcon, Iraq; FOB Warrior, Iraq; Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq; Camp Tallil, Iraq; Joint Base Balad, Iraq; Joint Security Station (JSS) Attack, Iraq; Kirkum, Iraq; Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan;
Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan; Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait; Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar; and
Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates (UAE).