Warren Lucas A Co 196th Light Infantry Brigade
23rd Infantry Division Northern I Corps Quang Nam province in country May
1968 May 1969 Participant in Operation Pocahontas Forest in the Hiep Duc
Valley July 1968.
Late one night we got hit. The crack whump of incoming rockets and
mortars tore the air and shook the ground. NVA sappers had infiltrated our
bunker line. C130s droned over us at almost stall speed and shoved
bright-as-noon parachute flares from the lowered end of their aircraft. A
firefight broke out across the chopper pad at what we called the rock
pile. Green and red tracers bounced crazily in the air. We beat off a
ground attack and was of course on 100 % alert the rest of the night. At
first light we got orders to fix bayonets and form a skirmish line.
The squad leader Don Allen said "Keep a short distance apart and
blast anything that moves." One new guy' jaw dropped open: "Even
if they're wounded...you mean...kill them?" The squad leader got in
his face and said sarcastically, "They tried to kill you didn't
they?" He pointed where we knew there were dead NVA and he said again
emphatically, "Let's go let's go !" The foggy dawn moonscape
that was LZ Ross. The smell of cordite in every breath The torn up dirt
and vegetation in the subdued light. Stuttering gunshots and moans. Guys
yelling and shouting and figures of us walking slowly deliberately. We
retook LZ Ross the way the marines had took Iwo Jima. We had no mercy for
them. When we got to the outer bunker line we saw a dead sapper one leg
twisted behind him. He had been shot with an M16 and one of the rounds had
set off one of the Chi com grenades on his belt . His thighs were very
thick. He had a bowl hair cut and wore dark green shorts with web gear.
The AK 47 he had been carrying was splintered stock by our concertina
One time at LZ Baldy we were sitting around in our hooches drinking warm
beer and bs-ing. It was early evening. With all our weapons ammo and gear
we had our own OD jungle of straps and packs and skinny RTO antennae. All
at once ragged volleys of mortar and artillery fire boomed to the north of
us. We stopped talking automatically and listened for the sound of
incoming rounds. From the intensity of the shelling we knew that out there
some where elements of the 2nd NVA division were moving in great strength.
This was about
November 1968.
A Co 196th Light Infantry Brigade 23rd Infantry Division Northern I Corps, Quang Nam province in country May 1968 May 69