Power of a Name
The Castilleja School Palo Alto, CA
© 1999
I never really
imagined that a name could have so much meaning. Walking along
the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial I was faced with thousands of names belonging to
thousands of people who had each given their lives for our country.
I stood there, surrounded by spectators, all quiet in respect
and honor, but the personal meaning didn’t reach any deeper
than the engraved letters on the wall. To me they were just labels,
not the true souls that they represented. I had never known the
soldiers who had lost their lives; I hadn’t even been alive
to experience the war.
I slowly made
my way deeper into the list, passing flowers and small gifts left
in remembrance. I saw a
wreath left by Boy
Scout Troop #471, and a letter left by a little girl for her "grampa."
For some reason it surprised me that people would come to the memorial
to pay their respects to their loved ones. Wasn’t this just a place
for tourists to come take pictures of a very historical monument? Besides,
they were, after all,just names.
Soon I began to become
tired of the repetitive carvings in stone. Row after row, it became harder
and harder for me to imagine that each identity listed had a true character
and personality. I began to walk on the less crowded side of the path
that was farther away from the wall. After snapping a few pictures with
my disposable camera, I thought I had experienced the essence of the memorial.
Then I saw something
that made my heart fall silent and my feet freeze in their place. There,
standing in front of Section 34 on the right half of the wall, was a woman.
Her royal blue outfit and white gloves highlighted her dark chocolate
skin, making her stand out from the crowd as it rushed past her. It was
as if she were in a completely different world, surrounded by nothing
except her thoughts. I watched as she reached her gentle hand up and lightly
touched the wall in front of her. Slowly, she traced her fingers over
the name "Frederick Holeburg.*"
She stroked it with such softness and purity, it was
as if she had never felt anything more precious in her life. Closing her
eyes, she took a breath, and I could see her imagine him standing there
in front of her. She didn’t move, as if afraid to lose her husband
all over again Her breathing became so deep and relaxed, she seemed to
be in a state of complete solitude. I tried not to make any noise, even
though I knew she wouldn’t notice. I didn’t want to disturb
what seemed to be such a placid and tranquil moment.
By looking at the way
she held her hand against the stone, I felt I could see back into the
many years they spent in each other’s arms. I could see her smiling
at him and touching his face; not just his name. I saw them taking long
walks and falling more in love with each other every minute they were
together. I could see him holding her hand as long as he could as he had
to leave to go and fight in the war. I could see her sitting at home,
barely being able to sit still, as she waited to hear news of him. I could
see her crying when she found out he had died.
Then, as if she had
suddenly awoken from her dream, a tear quickly ran down her cheek. She
opened her eyes and looked at the name of the one who had meant more than
anything else in the world to her. She began to cry as she leaned her
head against the wall. "I love you,"
she said. "I will always love you."
With that she stood
up and wiped her eyes. She pressed her lips against her hand, making sure
that her kiss would be felt, and then she touched her husband’s
name one last time. Slowly her arm retreated down to her side, and after
standing in peace for a minute, she reached into her purse and pulled
something out. She placed it on the ground, glanced at the wall once more,
and slowly turned and walked away.
I moved closer towards
Fred Holeburg’s name. Beneath me I saw a white rose with a maroon
red bow tied around it. Next to it lay a white card with calligraphy writing.
I leaned over to read what had been written;
honor of the best husband, chef, and friend I have ever met: I love you,
I smiled as a tear
rolled down the side of my face. I never guessed that a complete stranger
could have such an effect on me without even knowing. In those twenty
minutes I learned more about life and about myself than I could have ever
aspired to learn in months. I learned what it means to truly love someone.
I discovered that some people are cherished so much in life and death
that the sight of their name can cause great emotion in those they have
Fred Holeburg had made
an impact that went deeper than the engraved letters of his name. Fred
Holeburg affected the fate of his country; Fred Holeburg affected the
soul of his wife; and unintentionally, Fred Holeburg affected my heart.
To me he was no longer just a name on the side of the wall. Even though
I had never met him, I knew he was a hero, and that he deserved so much
more recognition than he received, as did the other thousands of names
that stood in front of me. Looking around, I no longer saw thousands of
words; I saw thousands of brothers, grandparents, husbands and sons. I
saw inspiring people who each had been adored by their loved ones. Only
then did I realize the essence of the Vietnam
Memorial. It is not a name that needs to be remembered, it is a person.
I then quickly began
frantically reading the names on the wall, trying not to miss one of the
remarkable soldiers that undoubtedly deserved so much more than just a
glance. I wanted to understand and learn about each man who had lost his
life, but then I became aware of the amazing magnitude of the memorial.
As it was time to leave,
I thought of the countless soldiers’ names that I did not even have
time to read, let alone get to know. Even though I couldn’t get
to know each soldier in the war, my eyes had been opened to a new world
of perspective.
I walked away from
the wall, the names growing smaller with every step I took. Finally they
were no longer visible, and I said good-bye to the names I had read, and
the heroes I had respected.
* Name
used is fictional.
Valerie is thirteen
years old. She visited The Wall while on a class visit to Washington
D.C. She is an 8th grade student [1999] at The Castilleja School in
Palo Alto, California.
This story was
sent to us by her teacher, Nancy
Ware. Nancy will pass comments to Valerie using this E-mail Address.
Of A Name"
From: Nancy
To: War Stories
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000
5:15 PM
Subject: War Stories: Power of A
is truly amazing to hear the responses to Valerie's piece.
Thank you so much for putting it up on the War
Stories site.
It is an incredible experience both for
Valerie and me, her teacher.
From: Jennifer
To: War Stories
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000
5:40 PM
Subject: War Stories: Power of A
Valarie that was beautiful it touched me very deeply as I am a
child who lost her father (Sgt
Guffey Scott Johnson... 02W 057) in that war and I never met
him. He died 1 week before I was born and every time I had to
write a report for school I always wrote of that war and it's
affect on me and others who lost there loved ones.
For a 13 year old you are very insightful and I hope you keep
writing such touching stories.
Thank You,
Jennifer Hartman
From: Mr.
To: War Stories
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000
5:17 PM
Subject: War Stories: Power of A
I wanted to let you know that as a teacher your writing is excellent.
But, your writing is not the only thing that I find excellent
in your story. You have feeling, and you paint a beautiful picture
of a memorial that represents an important part of our country's
history. I want you to know that this next week I will be sharing
your story with my classroom, because I know that through the
story they will be able to understand better the pain, the sorrow,
the helplessness, and also the beauty of such a great memorial.
Kudos to both you and your excellent teacher.
Thank you,
(Lewisville Middle School, Battleground Washington)
From: Kevin
To: War Stories
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000
8:28 PM
Subject: War Stories: Power of A
lady you have touched my heart. If only the rest of the people
who go to the wall would see it through your eyes. This is a wonderful
essay by someone who now sees us for who we are.
Thank You

Comments to Don Poss
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