and Thoughts
� 2000
212th M.P. Company at a small detachment at the Soc Trang Army Airfield
I made the journey in late 1968 -- probably in October
Countless times in my
25+ years as a reporter, producer, author and teacher, I've looked into
the eyes of people I was interviewing and realized that they weren't
there with me--they had taken a mental journey into the past. They were
somewhere else. I eventually learned to remain as silent as possible so
that they could stay in that place--any questions would quickly bring
them back to the present.

During the memorial presentation on Monday, I found myself in one of those
trances--I was in another place, in another time. The strange thing is
that I wasn't with my dog Fritz, I was with a 105-pound German shepherd
named Samson. I was back on a gunship in the middle of the night on our
way from Dong Tam to Saigon. I was trying to take Samson to the veterinary
hospital at Tan Son Nhut Airfield so a real veterinarian might keep him
alive. He was suffering from encephalitis--he was burning with fever and
having trouble breathing through the muzzle. I had tied his paws together
to keep him from trying to stand up.
handler was on R&R somewhere and had no idea that his best friend was
fighting for his life. All I could think of was my own dog in a similar
situation. How far would someone else go to save my dog? I was determined
to get him to a place where someone could help him. It had all begun a few
hours earlier when someone discovered Samson nearly passed out in his
kennel. Only a day or two earlier I had been "volunteered" to be
the acting vet tech at our little 12-dog detachment in Soc Trang, south of
the Mekong Delta. The nearest veterinarian was in Can Tho. On the phone,
he told us to get the temperature down (we put him in the dip tank with
ice water) and rush him to Saigon. A local dust-off pilot agreed to take
us as far as he could--to the airfield at Dong Tam. It was after midnight,
but I still insisted that the CQ runner awaken the officer of the day. I
don't know how I did it, but I convinced him to authorize a gunship to
take us the rest of the way.
The pilot
and copilot were not happy about the run. They were reluctant to help me
load the stretcher into the copter. Of course, there were no side doors
and no way to tie stretcher down. I sat on the floor and held onto the
back of the pilot's seat as we took off on a most frightening ride. As
they'd bank to the right or the left, the stretcher would slide toward the
open door. It took all my strength to keep it and me from falling out.
eventually landed at Tan Son Nhut at an evac hospital for people. Two
Vietnamese ambulance drivers were too afraid to load the dog into their
3/4 ambulance. They finally helped me and then drove us to the triage
area. Two more Vietnamese workers were equally shocked to see a dog and
not a man. One of them helped me carry the stretcher to one of the empty
racks in what seemed like an ocean of occupied stretchers. Soon about
15-20 medical personnel were crowded around us pointing, laughing,
talking. It was about that time Samson completely stopped breathing. All I
could think of was doing that leg-lift-chest-push artificial respiration.
But, his front paws were tied together with gauze. I couldn't get them
untied. All I could think about was Samson's handler coming home from
R&R to find his dog was dead. Everyone around me were just
spectators--amused spectators, by >> this time I was crying.
someone please help me? Please?"
It was
then that an angel--a nurse--yelled "Get the hell out of my
way!" and shoved her way through the crowd. "What can I
do?" she asked. I told her I couldn't untie the gauze. She reached in
a pocket a pulled out some scissors and freed Samson's front legs. She
lifted his right leg and I pushed on his rib cage. Within two minutes he
started breathing again. At almost that moment, some vet techs from the
veterinary hospital arrived in a jeep and I helped them load Samson into
it. It happened so quickly that I didn't have a chance to thank that
beautiful angel. She had vanished, by sunrise it was clear Samson was
going to survive. I knew I could face Samson's handler.
As I sat
listening to the poignant comments at the dedication, I looked at all of
the guys around me and I could feel the love each one had for his dog and
the lengths they would have gone to save the life of a their dog or the
dog of any other handler.
all, I'm convinced every dog handler who attended the ceremony was able to
be there because of their dogs -- and maybe because of the dogs of their
fellow handlers. And I wondered how many lives Samson went on to save when
he went back to work. And I wonder what ever became of that beautiful
nurse. If she only knew the importance of her work that night.
Thanks to all of you
who worked so hard to make the memorial become a reality -- and for
letting me take a journey back to that most frightening time.
212th M.P. Company at a small detachment at the Soc Trang Army Airfield
Submitted: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 10:50 PM
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