... That looks too familiar. Could almost pass as a rice paddy, or...
. My eyes are darting around for any kind of movement and as I turn to my
wife, I'm kind of surprised that she's not concerned. A flash of light
reflects off a chrome bumper in a vehicle in the on-coming lane and I
react immediately to record the location of the incoming fire ... funny,
that my wife seems unaware.
We continue down the road and I feel
vulnerable, like choppering in to a hot
LZ and not able to do anything until my feet and men are on the ground. Hell,
this shouldn't be bothering me---we're only on the way to the grocery
store. But why isn't my wife preparing for our arrival? Doesn't she
know that we have only seconds to unload when we arrive... ? Jesus!
... we're only going to the store---get a grip!
We're getting close now, take the next
right and we're at the HEB ... Maybe I should change directions and come
in from the other side so that THEY won't see us. My vehicle
suddenly becomes a Huey and I can tell that we're not the first ones in.
The LZ is packed full of Hueys--we need to come in low and fast. Why
isn't my wife preparing for the landing? Her seat belt is still
on---doesn't she know we have only seconds! WE'RE HERE!---Why aren't
you ready? We need to get out fast and have no time to waste! Get
Out, Get Out, Get Out!
I'm back in the grocery store's parking lot
when my wife asks me if I want anything and I reply, No, just make it
fast. I stay in my vehicle and try to calm myself down and
realize I had let my mind run away on me---again. 
I wait for her to come out and blow up on
her for taking so long. "What's the hurry" is her answer.
"None" is my answer, not to worry her or to cause an argument. Doesn't
she realize that the sun is going down and we still have a 30 mile drive
without any kind of support. I guess it's up to me to watch for the mines,
ambushes or snipers that we encounter on the way to our firebase.
Arriving home, we argue about my driving
and me rushing her at the grocery store. Fine, fine, fine, I say
and think to myself---you don't know what you just went through. You
just shared in my daytime memories and now leave me alone with my bottle
as you do everynight when I get in these moods. I need the time to prepare
myself for bedtime ... when the real nightmares begin!
We have since moved back into the city, it's
safer there, and both my wife and I have gone through 2 1/2 years of
combat group therapy. According to the therapists, I have learned to live
with the memories and the nightmares but that hurt still seems to
sneak in.
Pat "Beanie" Camunes
D/4/31 196th Lt. Inf. Bde
Tay Ninh Dec.1966-Apr.1967,Tam Ky Apr.-Dec.1967