War Stories!
War Stories is a
family rated page that is Banned
for public viewing in China.
Nowhere within War Stories is China critized in any way. Nevertheless,
China considers the personal stories Vietnam Veterans have posted on these
pages not suitable for public consumption. I consider China's actions more
of a comment on their form of government, than a negative mark against War
Stories ... and therefore, an Award, which I proudly post:
Blocked in China
Empirical Analysis of Internet Filtering in China
Vietnam War Stories: Library of over 500 War Stories
Site: www.war-stories.com (and subdirectories) Blocking quotient:
Blocked on: Aug 26 (Jiangsu), Sep 30 (Shanghai) 2002.
Google: Society > Military > Veterans > Vietnam War > Army Activities
Description:Library of 500 War Stories, Vietnam Memorials, USAF, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, all wars, military store, collectibles, K-9, war dogs, KIA, MIA, POW, poems,
Inbound Link Count: 500 linking pages
The listings give specific web sites found to be
blocked in China. Where available, each page's
listing includes its HTML title, its META keywords and description, its
Yahoo Directory and Google Directory category classifications, and its
Google inbound link count. These details are as retrieved in November
2002. All "blocked on" reports refer to testing in the year
As detailed in the technical appendix, the overwhelming
majority of listed sites were found to be blocked in their entirety. The
listing below includes a notation when our testing specifically confirms
the blocking of additional portions of a site. Where indicated, blocking
of entire sites was confirmed on the basis of DNS redirection. The
appendix also provides details as to the method of calculation and
presentation of "blocking quotient" data.
Veteran Search "Patriotic Site Award" -- Rich & Jack
From: VetsSearch@aol.com
Subject: Congratulations, Top 10 Patriotic Site
Stories: Congratulations, This is Rich & Jack from American
Veteran Search. We are proud to tell you that your website has been chosen
to be featured in our AVS Monthly Newsletter in the "Top 10 Patriotic
Site Award" section. We will Also add a link to your site on our
What this means
is we have reviewed your website and considered it worthy to be sent to
our members. Our monthly Newsletter now gets sent to over 3 million
Veterans on the Internet. We have spent the better part of two hours
reviewing thoroughly the "Vietnam Veterans War Stories" site. We
are incredibly amazed at the growth and the competent manor in which you
have taken to bring this worthwhile endeavor to America's Veterans.
Veterans mostly forgotten by the citizens who enjoy their freedom fought
and won with tremendous sacrifice by veterans. Veterans prepared to fight,
and having given of themselves in many conflicts throughout American
history, deserve more. It is obvious your tremendous love of our American
Veterans who served their country.
We live in times
when most citizens choose, to sit quietly and relaxed, maintaining their
own original state of apathetic, day to day existence, allowing the
standards of American freedom to be removed one inch at a time. You have
begun to build a path for the world to see that America is more than the
Daily movement of money on the Dow. We must not allow a new breed of
America to forget the price paid. We must not allow a youthful America to
think that this freedom will last without the veterans of the future.
Your site,
"Vietnam Veterans War Stories" from all we have seen in review,
is a call in the darkness to America to not allow itself to stay asleep at
the wheel of freedom. We are proud to know you are visible to the world.
That the great light of the American Veteran shines for those to know they
were there. And that all Veterans, united, proud, undivided, can once
again make a visible difference in the future of a strong America within a
new world.
It is with much
Pride that we present you with our,
American Veteran Search "Patriotic Site Award".
- B
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Don, As my mentor and because of your kindness and patience
Quigleys' Down~Under
was born. For all intents and purposes it has become an extension of War
Stories! It is then only fitting that you be the first to receive
Quigleys' Down~Under
Top Vet Site Award.
Thanks Brother! Steve Quigley
War Stories web site has been selected as one of the Net's finest
informative and is included in StudyWeb TM's
listing of educational links. StudyWeb is one of the Internet's
premier sites for educational resources for students and teachers. Since
1996, our expert reviewers have scoured the Internet to select only the
finest sites to be included in StudyWeb TM's listing of
educational links. Inclusion in StudyWeb TM will increase your
exposure and attract new visitors to your site: our reviews have been
featured on Webcrawler Select, The Lycos Top 5%, Education World and many
others, and StudyWeb TM updates are provided to media and
educational resources around the world.
-- and again, congratulations War Stories !
The StudyWeb
Editing Team

Gecko Country
Don Brother, I have just now had a chance to view War Stories! . I am
quite taken by your whole site. Your walk along the Autumn's
Wall is well ... let's just say I had to stop and get
some Kleenex. Wonderful brother! I am attaching my Top Vet Site Award ,
and I have created a link to your site in my Military Links section.
Thanks Don, and keep up the great work on your site. You have much to be
proud of.

Don, Please accept the Looking Back Top Site Award for a truly
outstanding War Stories! Vet site.
Semper Fi, brother, Gordon Boswell
to Receive: 187th Assault Helicopter Company
Don, I am extremely grateful for the War Stories! work you have done and
send along my sincere appreciation. I hope you accept this Top Vet Site
Award from me for your truly magnificent page, and for the extra mile you
walk to help other Vets put their story together. Thank you again my
friend, and God Bless you.
Mike Hodges, Rat Pack 38
Organization: Veterans
News and Information Service War Stories! site has been chosen to
receive the VNIS Top Vet Site Award . This award is presented to sites
which provide current and up-to-date news and information to the Military
Veteran Community. As an award winner you are entitled to display the
"Top Vet Site" logo. Again, Congratulations and keep up the good
work! VNIS Webmaster

Organization: The
Tackett's Home Page
To Qualify for the
Cadet Order Of Honor" Award, your website must be:
1. Patriotic in it's theme
2. Reflect Love of Country
3. Show Support and Concern for the Military
4. Show Support and Concern for Veterans
Award cannot be applied for. It is awarded by the Owner of
Tackett's Website to those who have Earned it. It is with the greatest of
pride and gratitude that the "Cadet Order of Honor" is bestowed
on Don Poss' War Stories! Website, this 6th day of October in the year of
A. Tackett Sr.
Home and Hearth
Hi Don, Just got back from your very touching and moving War Stories!
I was very impressed by the work you have put into your site and would
love to present you with our The Light Award. I have attached the award
and will add a link to your site on our winner's list ASAP. You have a
well thought out site and have done a marvelous job on a very special
Have a good life and live in love.
Ciolczynski, President of Home & Hearth

Master Gunner's
Top Site Award,
Presented to War Stories!
outstanding dedication to our
soldiers, past, present and future.
Your untiring efforts to not forget
those who still haven't made last
call reflects great credit to yourself,
your site, and the country you love
so much.
& Donna Ramirez
The Hot Brass Military Website
Congratulations! You own a HOT BRASS Website! For a year now, I have been traversing the web looking for military
websites which creatively brought a personal perspective of our service to
the nation. I especially sought out those where military history is well
documented. At the same time, I looked for sites which have high
educational value to youngsters. Obviously - these sights must be suitable
for developing minds. All along, I took notes - and "scored"
them for their potential influence upon future citizens.
Thank you very much for the great
expenditure of time, talent, and self which is evident in War Stories! .
You have given the world real, Fine Gold .
Thank You! John
Organization: The
Tackett's Home Page
American Pride Patriotic Website Award is Awarded to War Stories! on
November 14, 1997. Congatulations from the Tackett Family. The Award is
very Special, and is Awarded Only to a Handful of Chosen Websites.
Websites that are Rated as Truly Superb. In Addition to all the
qualifications required for the Cadet Order Of Honor , Your Website
must be Displayed in a manner that shows Outstanding Creativity and
Application of Website Skills. To see the Order in which other websites
have received the Award, please see the
The American Pride Patriotic Website Award.
Organization: Vietnam
Security Police Association
Don, at VSPA's
recent Reunion, your dedication and efforts on behalf of the association
and Vietnam Veterans were recognized and appreciated. You were unanimously
Awarded the enclosed Print of the famous painting by Lee Teter,
"Relections" with a special processing that gives an original
oil paint finish. The moving portrait of a Vietnam veteran at the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial (25 1/2" x 31"), is Awarded in recognition for
outstanding service via War Stories! and VSPA webpages---both are Top
Vietvet Sites ! Thank you again for all you have and are doing.
Dolores H. Adams
Stories! - Don, I have just spent about 3 hours reading some of the
stories on your web page. Believe me, I will be back as time permits.
I am the wife of Vietnam Veteran John H. Adams, who was with 3rd Amtracs.
I just wanted to thank you for providing a place for so many Veterans to
tell their stories and get together again. I also want to thank you and
all of them for being there when our country called and to say Welcome
Home .
Please accept this

Organization: Soldiers
Of The Cross
Larry Stanberry
Stories! - Hi Don: I would like to award your site as an Exceptional Web
Site devoted to Veterans interests and enjoyment as well. Thanks Don for
all the fun hours at your home, doc. Sincerely in Christ, Larry
"DOC" Stanberry
Organization: World
Village Family Site of the Day
Subject: WorldVillage 6/12 Family Site of the Day selection, Vietnam
Congratulations!! Your web site, War Stories Vietnam Jukebox , has been selected as
the WorldVillage Family Site of the Day for June 12, 1998! The
editors at WorldVillage in honor and recognition of the web's finest
family-friendly sites choose this award.
Selected by the
Family PC family testers as a recommended site for families, WorldVillage
receives over 250,000 visitors each month. We hope that you will enjoy the
traffic you receive from our site, as you certainly deserve it. Please
visit our site at https://www.worldvillage.com/famsite.htm and see the
review of your web site, as well as others that have been selected as
Thanks again for
producing a high quality site that children and adults may use!
Warm regards,
Rich Cunningham,
WorldVillage Family Site Editor
Our Review: The
name of today's FamSite...relates to a period of time, when the Golden
Oldies of today were the current rage of the airwaves. The site is Vietnam
Jukebox, and it is a collection of songs, in MIDI format, that were
popular during from 1960 to 1975. Here you can listen to (and download)
just about any song that you can think of from that era. Not only the
popular ones such as Good Vibrations and Locomotion and Lollipop are
featured, but ones that were not as big of hits but are remembered
nostalgically. These include Ballad of the Green Beret and Tom Dooley and
Hang On Sloopy.
So if you want a nice nostalgic trip down
memory lane, or if you are dying to hear what your parents or grandparents
listened to while they were younger, then hop on over to this site. It is
a fun one!

Organization: Mom's Vietnam Vet Message Board and Buddy Search, and
in-country page
Linda Luther
Stories! - Hi Don: I would like to present War Stories with this token
of my gratitude for your service to our country. May the Lord bless you,
and your loved ones. Linda Luther

The Official PBR Forces Veterans Association (PBR FVA)
Organization: PBR
Forces Veterans Association (PBR FVA)
From: Linda Luther
From: Max
L. Popov
Subject: Top Site Award!
War Stories!
Please accept this small token of our (PBR FVA) appreciation for War
Stories! a site that is a great source of healing and very informative.
PBR Forces Veterans
Association Staff
Comments to Don Poss
© War-Stories.com 1995-2023. All Rights Reserved.