Where do I begin ....

Where Do I Begin ... December 16,
1968, looking out the window of a Pan Am landing at Tan
Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Vietnam, and seeing a young Lieutenant waiting for
me; my brother's platoon leader assigned to be my military escort
during my visit with CO A, l/327, lst bde, l0lst ABN, Camp Eagle
... Lt. Steve Patterson, the man I've been with for 32 years, my
husband ....
Or Do I Begin ... with a "letter" from
my brother Sgt Joe Artavia asking me for a favor, his last.
begins ...
"Sis do you think you could get the City of San Mateo to "Adopt"
us, for morale support? You see, many of the guys aren't getting
mail and maybe someone back home could write us and we would write
back. I know it would bring their morale up AS HIGH AS THE CLOUDS,
please try Sis, ..." December l967....
Or Do I Begin ... three months later
when the City Council of San Mateo, California finally responds
to Joe's letter and formally passes a resolution "Adopting Co. A,
l/327, lst, bde, l0lst Airborne Division" as their very own "Adopted
Sons", the famed Screaming Eagles asking me to organize a citizens'
committee enlisting community support ... March 4, l968 ....
Or Do I Begin ... when Sgt Joe Artavia
(l9) is killed in action living long enough to learn his
sister answered his last request and the people of San Mateo, CA
had adopted his buddies, troopers of Company A ... March 24, l968.
Or Do I Begin ...
in Vietnam on Christmas Day standing before
the young men, Joe's Company (ABU they called themselves), giving
them our special Christmas gift from their adopted parents -- the mission I was sent on, to personally deliver medallions in
the form of the City Seal, and under the seal read "Adopted Son" with each man's
name engraved in back of it: our Christmas
gift to Co A, l/327, December 25, l968.
Or Do I Begin ... saying good-bye to
Joe's buddies after a three day stand-down ... walking to the top
of a small hill, shaking their hands, accepting their small tokens,
a Zippo lighter, a l0lst pen, whatever they gave me and watching
them load on a Chinook back out into the jungle -- I wonder if they
realize, how I will forever carry their young images with me every
day of my life. CO A and I exchanged our good-byes, memories cherished
forever... December 28, l968.
Or Do I Begin ... with the incredible three day Homecoming
when the Army, and Secretary of Defense, Melvin Larid gave San Mateo
special permission to keep her promise to Co. A, l/327. We told
them when the war ended, we would give them a homecoming they would
never forget and we did.
On January 22, l972, "ABU marched in their jungle fatigues down
San Mateo's main street to countless cheers." At long last Americans
distributed their pride, in waves of smiles and tears, "WELCOME
HOME SCREAMING EAGLES" -- her "Adopted Sons.".. January 22, l972.
Or Do I Begin ... with the SCREAMING
EAGLES MEMORIAL ROOM -- a living memorial to those who served, won
battles and sacrificed with honor in the Vietnam War. Countless
letters in glass cases, plaques of appreciation, treasured memorabilia
and exhibits of a grateful American City ... and Sgt Joe Artavia's
picture his letter to his sister stated ... "You see Sis, Adopting
us would raise OUR MORALE ...
Eagles Memorial Room in San Mateo's main Library dedicated August
9, l974.
Or Do I Begin ... with Desert Storm
and the 60 units Adopted through America Supporting Americans,
non-profit organization setup in l990 using Sgt Joe Artavia request
Sis can you do me
a favor ... please?
Where Do I Begin ....