Our tanks were slowly moving onto the outer
perimeter road of Quang Tri on the morning of December 25, 1970. All of B
company had been in the field for more than two weeks as our commanders
remembered what had happened during Tet 1968. They wanted to make sure the
surrounding area of Quang Tri was not being infiltrated by the NVA (North
Vietnamese Army). We were planning on continuing our search and destroy
missions until after the first of the year, but last night I was informed
we would be moving back into base camp the next morning.
The twenty tanks of B company departed our
jungle NDP (night defensive perimeter) around 5:00 a.m. and it had taken
us three hours before we finally turned onto the paved road just four
miles from the base camp main gate. The early morning air seemed extra
cold and damp and I had Stick, my loader, locate my field jacket for me. I
was actually getting cold riding up on top of the Double Deuce as we
pushed our way through the thick, prickly jungle twines hanging out over
the narrow trails we followed out of the mountains. Jim
and Chris were all excited about going back to base camp, if only for
a single day. It would be a nice break from our normal routine of the past
few weeks and a time for us to relax a little.

had tied down his small eighteen-inch decorated Christmas on top of the
Double Deuce right behind our main gun tube and I watched the tiny
ornaments blow in the wind. We turned onto the hardball road and our long
column started picking up speed, throwing large chunks of mud high into
the air behind our tanks. It was hard for me to relate the strange
surroundings to Christmas. Even though the radio had been playing
Christmas music off and on for the past week, it wasn't going to be a
white Christmas for us, that was for sure! The weather was still very hot
and humid during the day with only the mornings being a little colder
giving us a sure sign that it was supposed to be winter.
As we pulled our tanks into the motor pool, I
had to remind my guys that we still had two hours of maintenance to pull
before we could head for our hooches. They had already begun to act silly
as soon as we passed through the main gate into the relative safety of our
base camp. As I aligned our tank next to Bravo Two-One, I told Chris to
shut her down and get started with the maintenance. I heard the Double
Deuce shut down and saw Stick and Jim already climbing out through the
loader's hatch. My guys knew exactly what had to be done, I never had to
tell them, and they just went to work and got the job done. I cleaned my
50-caliber machine gun before covering it up for the rest of the day. Like
I've said before, we had no days off in the 'Nam and today was no
By 10:00 a.m. we had finished our tasks and we
all grabbed our bags of dirty clothes to take to the wash women for
cleaning. The local Vietnamese seemed to be moving around working as
normal. I don't know if they celebrated Christmas or not. As I climbed
down from the Deuce I said to it, "Merry Christmas girl,"
and headed for my rarely occupied hooch. We didn't get to spend much time
in our base camp, maybe twenty days out of the whole year.
I hollered to my crew who were now almost a
hundred yards in front of me approaching our company area, "You guys
stay out of trouble, I'll see you at 3:00 p.m. for dinner!" They all
yelled back, "Okay Jack, we'll see you then," and ran off toward
their hooch.
I spent the rest of the afternoon just talking
and joking around with the other NCOs. We drank a few cold beers, played
some cards and waited for that big Christmas meal that would be served in
just a short while. The songs of the season were being played on the radio
in the background and I couldn't help but think of how depressed I was
getting. It seemed like the more I heard that Christmas music the more
homesick I got. That was the last thing I wanted to feel. I knew tomorrow
would find me still in Vietnam and back into the bush as if today had
never even happened.
Around 2:00 p.m. Jim stuck his head inside my
hooch and asked if he could talk to me outside. I said sure and wondered
what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into now. I walked outside and
found Jim, Stick and Chris all standing there. Jim then handed me a small
wrapped gift and said, "This is from all of us. Merry Christmas,
I was feeling a little guilty about not
getting them anything as I opened the package. It was a Zippo lighter and
it had some writing on it. It read To The Deuce and was signed,
Jim, Chris and Stick. Then below their names it read, The Crew Of
Double Deuce, 1970. Tears came to my eyes and I thanked them for their
special gift. They just nodded, looking a little embarrassed and said,
"It's no big thing, Deuce." Deuce was my nickname because I was
the commander of Bravo Two-Two. It was really special to me when they
called me that. I really did, and still do, love each one of those three
great guys. We were even closer than brothers. We were brothers of the
'Nam. I went back into my hooch and proudly showed all the guys my
At 3:00 p.m. I joined the long line of fellow
troopers outside our mess hall. Soon the doors opened and the aroma of
freshly cooked turkeys filled the air around us. We entered a room that
had been transformed into Christmas itself! The walls were decorated with
banners proclaiming the Christmas season and in the corner was a brightly
decorated tree. Where that came from I'll never know. It reminded me of
the other five Christmases I had spent in the Army. I could even remember
seeing much of the same type decorations in my Dad's mess halls many years
before when I was a small boy and our family attended Christmas dinner
with the men of my Dad's outfit.
The tables were all covered with white table
cloths and plates full of nuts, candy and a fruit cake had been placed in
the center of each one. The food looked almost too good to eat as we
slowly moved toward the chow line. I had made sure my crew was in line in
front of me. Even on this special day, I was still looking out for my
guys. The Chaplain and all of our officers were standing in the front of
the line shaking the hands of their troopers. It was really quite moving.
A lot of the younger soldiers were amazed at the effort our cooks had gone
to make this a day to remember.
As I sat down to enjoy this fantastic meal, I
couldn't help but think of all the other men who wouldn't be eating this
kind of food today. They'd be eating C-rations and stuck far away from any
Christmas trees or decorations. I thought to myself, we're the lucky ones,
and I silently raised my glass of Kool-Aid in a toast. That was the best I
could do.
A few of the men brought in a small record
player and started singing Christmas carols next to our tree. I must
admit, I did enjoy watching my guys having such a good time. Much the same
way I enjoy watching my kids today.
Before I left the mess hall I reminded Chris
about the special church services tonight at 7:00 p.m. I spent the rest of
my day just lying around as I had eaten way too much of that fresh turkey.
I couldn't even sit up to play some cards!
Our wake up call came too early for me the
next morning, but I soon found myself loading up our tank with my freshly
cleaned clothes and getting ready to head back out into the boonies. It
wasn't very long before the tanks of B company were cranking up and clouds
of black smoke filled the motor pool. The ole Double Deuce started to move
out and I called down to Chris, "On Donner, on Blitzen." I saw
our little Christmas tree laying on top of the motor pool trash can and I
thought, well I guess that means Christmas is officially over for another
year. Little did I know it would be the last Christmas for one member of
my crew.
As soon as our tank company got to our
pre-arranged destination, we broke into platoons and continued driving for
about another hour until we, the second platoon, found ourselves high on
the side of a grass covered mountain. This was to be our home for the next
week. Bulldozers came to the foot of the mountain by truck, unloaded and
then slowly drove up the steep side. They spent almost one full day
cutting us a series of tank firing positions. Even with the huge mounds of
fresh dirt pilled in front of our tanks, we had a great view of the jungle
and rice paddies below. If I looked through my binoculars I could just
barely see our base camp back at Quang Tri, some thirty miles away.
During the day we would go on patrols, taking
our tanks out a little further each time. The senior NCOs and officers had
already begun to warn us that on New Year's Eve there would be no
outbursts or firing of weapons at midnight. If they told us once, they
told us a hundred times! Of course we all counted down the days until it
was December 31st . Nobody made a big deal of it and around 8:00 p.m. we
started our guard duties as normal. It was just like any other night
except for the little more than average whispers heard around the NDP.
It was now five minutes to midnight and I
could see all the crews of the second platoon were sitting on top of their
turrets. We listened to our muffled transistor radios as the count down
began. At the very same instant the voice on the radio cried out,
"Happy New Year, Vietnam," the whole sky above our small
isolated perimeter lit up as pop-up flares, regular flares, smoke grenades
and rifles went off! It was completely crazy as everyone was yelling and
running around firing their M16s. Those were loaded with nothing but
tracer ammo and sent a solid line of red colored bullets flying high into
the air. All the guys were cheering it up as we all knew this was the year
we'd be going home. Well, so much for the warnings. Boys will be boys you
I looked out into the valley below us. It was
an unbelievable sight, looking like the whole country was lit up! You
could see where every one of the small fire bases were located in a thirty
mile radius by the green and red flares going off high above their
perimeters. Even our own base camp looked like they were fighting World
War III! The firing must have gone on for at least fifteen minutes and you
know we all got our butts chewed real good the next morning. But you know
what? I saw not only our platoon leader, but also our platoon sergeant
standing side by side firing off red flares from the inside of our
perimeter! Men will also be men!
Well, that was what it was like
for me at Christmas and New Years in Vietnam. This Christmas, just like
the past twenty-eight years, I'll stand up at the dinner table and give my
normal toast. It's normal to me, but isn't completely understood by my
friends or relatives. I don't think they really understand who the
"us" is but I really don't care. I just stand up and say, "Here's
to those who wish us well and those who don't, can go to hell!"